Hello, I have 2 basic questions: 1) when a USB relay module is connected to a pc and the 12Volt power is attached to the module, will the relays be "stationary" during the boot process, or will they be activated (once or more) during the boot process and loading the driver? 2) Is it possible to attach more than one controller to a single PC. Thanks,
So, for those interested will answer my own questions because I purchased the 32 port USB relay board. 1) during boot, driver initiation of a PC, relays do not get "randomly activated", and board behaves very stable. So no unwanted or random behavior. - The reason for my ask was that I also am using a (different brand, very simple) board on GPIO of Raspberry pi, and that "thing" starts clicking couple of times during reboot of Raspberry. Fortunate no issues with the Numato board in that area. 2) did not check multiple boards, but given the architecture I would say: "should work".