Hello everybody ! First I'd like to say that I'm more than happy to have received my Mimas v2 this week ! I ordered it along with the LCD expansion board in order to explore (simple) graphics cards. From the documentation, I undestand that it kind of works like VGA, which is fine for me, but there seem to be some undocumented functionalities. Indeed, there is this "6 PIN ZIF CONNECTOR" showing pins that read "SCL", "SDA", "INT" and "WAKE"... My (wild) guess is that the display supports Text Mode, but then I don't understand signals INT and WAKE. Let me know what you think and of course if you have THE answer it would also fit Thanks in advance !
Hello Cacahuete, The TFT display indeed accepts pixel data with clock very similar to VGA. But if I remember right (and to be honest), it was kind of a bit pain to get it working as expected since the datasheet was cryptic at best. I noticed today that we have not published the sample code for this product, which is a failure on our part. I'll publish both sample code and the original datasheet and update here ASAP. I'm not sure the purpose of the signals "SCL", "SDA", "INT" and "WAKE" at the moment. But I will talk to the development team and share that info here as well. Cheers, Tom
Hi Tom, This is great news, can't wait to know more about these mysterious serial-link-looking signals ! I'm also very interested in a sample code. Indeed, albeit its similarities with the VGA "standard", I am still unable to make it display anything... I'm now trying my design under Modelsim to check my timings, hopping to find a loophole in my code ! Regards.
Hi There, Sample code for TFT expansion module is published on our GitHub Sample Code repo. Make sure to run the batch file to build the code. I'm trying to get the datasheet as well. Also posted the datasheet on the product page under downloads section. I had a chance to talk to the developer and he mentioned that the timings in the datasheet didn't work as is and had to tweak them a bit. The changes he had to make should be in the source. Hope this helps. Thanks, Tom
Now the datasheets available on the product page as well, under "Downloads" tab. Thanks, Tom Numato Lab
Thanks a lot for all these details Tom, it is greatly appreciated here ! I took a look at both the datasheets and the sample code. From this datasheet I understand that the mysterious serial link is used to configure the LCD, which sounds interesting, especially for brightness diming and image correction. I'll give it a try one day or the other As for why my code was not working, the UCF in your sample code gave me the answer: I mismatched pins' order... I took for granted that headers in the LCD expansion board where mirrored with regards to those in the Mimas but it's not the case: _Mimas _ LCD board _ P9 _______ P6 ┌──────><──────┐ 01 02──><──01 02 ┌──────><──────┐ 03 04──><──03 04 ┌──────><──────┐ 05 06──><──05 06 ┌──────><──────┐ 07 08──><──07 08 ┌──────><──────┐ 09 10──><──09 10 ┌──────><──────┐ 11 12──><──11 12 Which is kind of misleading, but why not! The rest of my design was correct in fact: timings provided in the datasheet seem to be allright, and I successfully address every pixel of the screen. The sample code you provided stick the signal DEN to '1' all the time, which lead to a shift in the displayed image: This can be (partly) fixed by driving this signal from your entity vga_driver: Code: -- If in display range if (nxt_HCount < HResolution and nxt_VCount < VResolution) then red_d <= count_h(5 downto 4) & count_h(5 downto 0); green_d <= count_h(7 downto 0); blue_d <= count_v(7 downto 0); D_EN <= '1'; else red_d <= (others => '1'); green_d <= (others => '0'); blue_d <= (others => '0'); D_EN <= '0'; end if; I would like to propose a different approach to drive the 5" TFT LCD display which has the following result (there is a 1px red border, top 2nd line and left 2nd column are green, bottom 2nd line and right second column are blue): Every process is synchronous (with the main FPGA clock), and the entity can be modified to output current pixel coordinates to a module that would be responsible for driving pixel colors. Thank you again for the datasheet. I guess I'll come back here when I get a chance to play with the serial link, to report on my findings Cheers.
Hi @Cacahuete, Thanks for sharing the progress. It is really wonderful to see the screenshots. Really appreciate your willingness to share the code with others. Please share any updates about the serial link when you have. This will certainly be helpful. Thanks, Tom