Hi Gentlemen, I managed to update the Mimas V2 Board with the updated bootloader and I've updated my version of the arduino IDE and installed the board to be able to program a mimas V2...It worked first time which was very cool! Tried to upload the blink example which worked perfectly. Possibly daft question: How do I know which pin numbers relate to what in order to use the onboard LEDS, switches, SD card etc Excellent work by the way! Thanks in advance Alex
Hi, Thank you for trying fpgarduino, on all boards pinout should be the same like on this one http://www.nxlab.fer.hr/fpgarduino/e2lp.html so for buttons you use arduino pins from 0-7 for leds 8-15 sw from 16-23 SD card example should not use any pin(you can put what ever you want) becouse SD card SPI comunication should be implemented in hardware. Last time I have tried, it did not work on numato, but it is maybe already fixed.
Hi Thanks for responding, It isn't unfortunately working then as no onboard LEDS flashed when I uploaded the blink sketch. If I get the chance I will test again once this has been updated. Cheers Alex
I will check at home, and I will let you know witch version shoud you use I have used this arduino example https://github.com/goran-mahovlic/f...ino/MimasV2/Simple_IO_TEST/Simple_IO_TEST.ino and you need to use this bin file https://github.com/goran-mahovlic/f...PGArduino_115200_initial_SPI_VGA_RDS_HDMI.bin
I will also try it as soon as I get home! Thanks for the files - I will let you know if it works... Cheers Alex
Hi mistery, I have tried those files you provided. Unfortunately it didn't work - the bin file uploaded to the Mimas V2 development board perfectly and I then used your example arduino code and uploaded that which also uploaded with no errors. Unfortunately nothing happened! How did you fare? Alex
Im really sorry for delay but here we go New bin is ready, frame buffer is now tested so VGA(tested) and HDMI(not tested) works from arduino. onboard SD card slot is working with default sample from arduino (read, write, list files), blink led fade buttons are still working. All tested with new 115200 firmware. We still have some problems with ujprog uploading but crc-check is implemented now. I will let you know when we fix upload problems (now you need to upload twice to get it working) If someone is interesting I can send 115200 firmware, or I can build 19200 but this one is not tested and probably will not work ...
Here is 115200 version, in newest json is new version of ujprog (under arduino programmer) with CRC check, but only version for linux64 has been compiled for now. If you use this bit you need to have 115200 firmware on from this topic, but then you cannot go back to original I cannot find one... If you change firmware you need to change baud rate in python uploader (it is changed in included python uploader). And one more thing sometime python uploader has problem uploading on linux, but it is working on windows (strange) https://yadi.sk/d/qdpxsm7pkmPPz I will now put 19200 version to compile and will send it here when it is done...
I uploaded the 115200 version of the bin file and it is now happily fading LEDS which is quite cool... When I try and upload your example code into the board via the arduino ide nothing happens....It claims it has uploaded but there is no response from the Serial listener and the LEDS don't respond in the way I would expect based upon the code. Is there something I'm doing incorrectly? Can you list the steps you think I should be taking in order to get this to work please? At the moment this is what I have done: 1. Using Windows, Open the mimasV2 python loader and select the appropriate COM port for the Mimas V2 - In my case COM22 2. Select the MimasV2_Fpgarduino_115200.bin 3. "Flash the Mimas V2" with the above BIN file. 4. Watch the cool fading LEDS! 5. Load up the arduino IDE V1.6.5 6. Select the MimasV2 Board under the list of available FPGA development boards 7. Using your example code - print serial message and flash LEDS depending upon a button press...click upload to board. 8. Wait for a response - message reports back from arduino IDE that upload was successful 9. Check for a response.... What I have found is that the arduino IDE is compiling the code and is attempting to do something but it is not uploading anything to the Mimas V2 Board.... Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong? https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B7fA8ZgAyKMlUTRfNGRJUjV1WUE
you did it all right under programmer you need to chose ujprog but I think this is not the main problem main problem is some serial errors while uploading so you need to be patient and try to upload few times. ujprog with crc check is still not compiled, but with last version we are still having problems with uploading but now we can see errors can you please try blink led on pin 13 it is smaller code so it will probably pass I needed 10 times and few restarts to get boulder on board it is under examples examples/f32c/boulder and if you use serial use delay (1000) after serial.begin
and check sw7 if you turn it this way http://cdn3.bigcommerce.com/s-hziwv...masv2_3_1__83242.1437708921.1280.1280.jpg?c=2 it should be on the right side
yes, I see on video you need to change sw7 to right position left is for uploading code right is for serial communication
Sw7 now in correct position - sorry should have thought of that... Should I be using different settings?
under protocol you can try hex and binary, but I think binary is still unavailable under windows all other settings are good
I'm sorry - I don't have a linux system at the moment - Ubuntu laptop died in an unscheduled gravity related experiment.