Could you post a blog on how you came to design your products such as Mimas v1? my further comments may not be that useful, but I'm interested in: your reasons for 70 user IO pin assignments, ie how you elected to group pins? why do you not reference LVDS? what published resources were of particular interest ie UG393, but what else? However I would expect you had very many other considerations of interest to readers.
Hi Peepo, We have a video series on Youtube about basics of designing boards with KiCad ( if that is what you are looking for. The IO grouping on Mimas V1 is based on the idea that differential pairs should be nearby. Since Mimas V1 is an entry level board, IOs are not specifically designed to be used with high speed interfaces (no impedance matching and length matching). But our other products such as Saturn has impedance controlled, length matched Ios that can be used for faster interfaces. Thanks, Tom