I am trying to configure channel B on the Saturn Spartan6 board for serial comm use with teraterm. I can use channel A to program the device (at least the done LED turns off) and have followed the setup for switching channel B to vcp mode a number of times but cannot get a simple line of verilog to echo sent characters such as assign txd = rxd; My .ucf file contains only two lines NET "txd" LOC = "L18" | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | SLEW = SLOW | DRIVE = 8 ; NET "rxd" LOC = "M16" | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | SLEW = SLOW | DRIVE = 8 ; What am I missing?
Hi! Your UCF seems incorrect. For FTDI, data[0] and data[1] are UART pins. And you are using here data[1] and data[2] pins, L18 and M16 (as per this sample ucf http://phpstack-776178-2640993.clou...nloads/fpga/saturn/SaturnSpartan6ModuleV3.ucf ) You will need to use L17 for rxd and L18 for txd. Regards Rohith
Aha. I was tracing from the FTDI datasheet back through the schematic to what I thought were the appropriate FPGA pins. I verified my tracing and thought it made sense and was right. But obviously not. I'll reconcile your assignments with the datasheet for my own understanding. Thanks for getting me up and running.