I have been able to receive ADC data using Nodejs How do I now get this data on a webpage gauge such as Highcharts http://www.highcharts.com/docs/working-with-data/live-data I presume I use websockets but I just can't seem to get past step 1. Can someone help with a working example please.
Hi Brad, Once the data is available on a PC, serving that through web interface is simple conceptually. Run a web server and let the server read the data and serve to clients. But implementing it may not be trivial if you are not familiar with the web server setup and server side programming. You may run any web server. Apache, SimpleHTTPServer, PerlWebServer, IIS.. you name it, anything works. Since you have mentioned Node, I would recommend using either MEAN stack or Meteor. Both runs on Node so it should be relatively easy to use if you are a Node.JS expert. I wish we had sample code avaialble to demostrate this but at the moment none availble. Thanks, Tom Numato Lab