Hello! I've a MimasV2 fpga board, I've done before a rs232 9600 bauds, 8 data bits and 1 stop bit serial transmission using VHDL on a Xilinx board with db9 female port. Using a db9 female port requires a db9 to usb serial cable for most computers nowadays. So knowing that MimasV2 supports USB port serial communication through on board PIC18F14K50, I want to try to implement a serial transmission using the MimasV2 USB port. At the MimasV2 user manual it says that the baud rate required is 19200, can I send the same bit stream used in rs232 at 19200 bauds to the pic interface? Do I've to use de UART_TX or UART_RX at UCF file? at the manual it seems that the UART_RX is the receptor line from the PIC and not from the FPGA. I've tried to check the transmission by using a terminal and sliding SW7 to position 2 as the manual says and also using UART_RX port at UCF file. Not working, there must be something I've misunderstood Can anyone explains more details about how does this pic interface works? Thanks for reading!
Hi Esteban, You can perfectly use your VHDL code for UART. Just some points to be taken care of: Please configure your VHDL code for 19200 baudrate In your constraints, TX-from-fpga should be pin B8 RX-into-fpga should be pin A8 And also don't forget to set SW7 to correct position after programming bitstream As a quick check, you can directly connect TX and RX in your VHDL to create a loopback and test your setup. Anything sent over serial should be received back. It should work well