Hi all, I see that there's examples for the USB Relay Boards, C, C#, Basic, Python, etc, but I can't find ANY examples of ANY kind for the Ethernet Relay boards. I have the 16 channel, and it works just fine using TelNet and the browser interface, but I don't know the TelNet protocol, and I'm trying to send client commands, but it doesn't respond properly. Do I need to use TelNet commands in my C# program? Thanks for any ideas, Dan Gray
Hi all, I found a C# TelNet Source that helped me make it work. http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/19071/Quick-tool-A-minimalistic-Telnet-library Using the source code from above, I made a C# project that controls 2 relays (of the 16), and updates the color of the buttons. Here's my project: http://siderealtechnology.com/NumatoEthernetRelayInCSharp.zip Here's a screenshot: Hope this helps somebody sometime! Dan Gray http://siderealtechnology.com