I've connected the headers in the position specified for the JTAG programming as given in the manual. However, when I initialize the chain, only the Spartan 6 chip is detected and the Flash memory does not appear on the list. The xc3sprog website has an example where the flash memory shows up in the list of devices. I wanted to know if it is possible to program the Flash using xc3sprog utility or only the FPGA can be directly programmed using this. If xc3sprog has only support for programming the FPGA directly, is there any other tool available for Linux, which can help me program the Flash memory.
Hi aprashanth, The Flash memory will not appear in the JTAG chain because it is an SPI Flash and not connected to JTAG chain. The screenshot you've have provided is for Platform Flash (XCF04S) which has JTAG interface and is connected to the JTAG chain of whatever board they are using. If you want to program SPI flash through xc3sprog , you'll have to use indirect method where, first, FPGA is configured with a bitstream which acts as a bridge between JTAG and SPI Flash, then the SPI Flash is programmed. Even Xilinx tools use same technique. xc3sprog provides the HDL code for this bridge in 'bscan_spi' folder (https://svn.code.sf.net/p/xc3sprog/code/trunk/bscan_spi/ ). You'll have to generate your own bitfile using their HDL code and your own UCF file according to Saturn's connections. See more: http://xc3sprog.sourceforge.net/manpage.php Easier path is to use Xilinx iMPACT tool. It will automatically do the FPGA-bridge part for you and will program SPI Flash using that.
Can the SPI Flash be programmed using Impact over the USB serial port (as with the SaturnFlashConfig tool)? Or does Impact only support JTAG configuration?
Hello Richard, Impact supports only JTAG configuration. Short answer is that, its not possible to program SPI Flash using Impact over the USB. Long & complex answer is that it might be possible. Please check this article out: https://docs.numato.com/kb/programm...module-using-impact-via-xilinx-virtual-cable/ We have tested only programming bitstream over USB using that article. Programming SPI Flash over USB using Xilinx Virtual Cable should be possible, but we have not tested it.