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[Resolved] mimas v2 "configuration failed" error

Discussion in 'FPGA Boards' started by robotxyz, Oct 31, 2017.

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  1. robotxyz

    robotxyz New Member

    Oct 31, 2017
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    I received mimasv2 spartan6 board and I was able to power it up from usbA to usbminiB connection (in windows7 showed up as COM13). By default the leds D1-D8 cycle through and the corresponding numbers are displayed in the three seven segment displays.

    However when I went through the tutorial in product website (myModule example with notGate) and tried programming into the board using Mimas V2 FPGA Configuration Tool V1.0, I am getting “Erasing flash sectors \n Programming flash \n ConfigureBoard faild… \n Configuration failed…” error. Now the board shows D9 blue led glowing continuously.

    Then I tried programming the sample binary file from product website ( mimasv2_sample_bin_file.bin ). I get the same error as above and the blue D9 led is still on. How do I resolve this ? Could you please help me out in resetting the board ?

  2. Alexander Lang

    Alexander Lang Member

    May 17, 2015
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    Manchester, UK
    Hi @robotxyz

    Sorry to hear you are having issues with your Mimas V2. From what you have described the board was working as intended but has now run into some issues when you attempted to reprogram it. Can you confirm which operating system you are using on the programming computer (Windows or Linux) etc.

    What I suspect may have happened is some sort of connection issue during programming the board. I would first of all try changing the USB cable you have used to connect the board to a USB port and retry programming and see if that works. You might also like to try using a different computer just in case. If that is not effective then there may be an issue with the switch used on the board. Ensure that it is in the correct position.

    Let me know how that goes.


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  3. robotxyz

    robotxyz New Member

    Oct 31, 2017
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    Hi Alex,

    Thanks for the pointers. The Operating system that I am using is windows7. The board works now. Here is some info which may help others.

    I tried couple of different usb2 ports on my computer. They work intermittently. Even when an usb2 port which works once, doesn’t work the next time consistently (even without touching the cables or the board) and this suggests that it may not be a loose connection from the cable. It is a hit or miss with usb2 ports (I tried several of them on my computer).

    What seems to work consistently is an usb3 port (the ones labeled with ss symbol). I tried another usb3 port on the same computer and that too works consistently. I am not sure if this is because the usb3 port has a thicker mating board/pins inside that fixes loose connections from the pins; or if it is because usb3 handles transfers and any transfer collisions (different baud rate ?) better. Someone with expertise on usb protocols could comment further on this. For now, using an usb3 port is a working solution for me.

    Appreciate your help.
    rohith likes this.
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