Hello, I received my Waxwing Spartan 6 FPGA Development Board today. I would like to program it via USB using Linux. I have found some python scripts for other boards on the Github page(https://github.com/numato/samplecode/tree/master/FPGA) but I can't find anything written for the Waxwing DevBoard. So where do I find what I'm looking for? I'm also willing to write my own script if none is available but then I would need more information about what the script actually does. Any help is appreciated Thanks Markus
Hello Markus, We currently don't have any script/utility to program Waxwing via USB on Linux. But it should be possible to program it on Linux using saturn-loader software written by one of our customers. https://github.com/amilkovich/saturn-loader Waxwing is similar to Saturn as far as configuration circuit is concerned. Only change needed would be to change the #define DESCRIPTION "Saturn Spartan 6 FPGA Module" to that of Waxwing's. I suggest you to try it and if it fails for some reason then [amilkovich] would be very willing to help you on that. He is very helpful person. Regards, Rohit
I just tried the saturn-loader and changed the description to "Waxwing Spartan 6 FPGA Board". It worked on the first try! I may even create a pull request for the github project in a few days, so other people can benefit from this. Many thanks for helping out Markus EDIT: I actually forked the github project and made the changes to the program to work a while ago, but haven't posted them here. Here is the link: https://github.com/modernrio/saturn-loader