Has anyone seen this issue? We have been running these devices with version 8 and had no issues ever. Now we got a new batch with version 9 on, and it seems the device can get "stuck" or silent. See this sequence >ver 00000009 >id get 00000002 >gpio read 0 >gpio notify off gpio notify disabled >gpio readall >gpio notify get gpio notify disabled >gpio notify on gpio notify enabled >gpio readall >ver 00000009 > If I unplugg and replugg the device it works again. I think it is triggered på "gpio iodir" in a certain sequence
Hi Niclas, This was confirmed to be caused by a compiler related problem (potentially a compiler bug). We have shared V8 image over the ticketing system. Hopefully that fixed the issue. If there are any difficulties still, please drop us a line. Thanks, Tom Numato Lab
Yes, we downgraded to V8 and did not have any issues anymore, so that makes sense. The problem we face now is that we have about 200 units. Is there a scriptable way to do this or is the UI program the only way?
We have a lot of these we need to downgrade to V8. Where can I get version 8 and instructions on how to downgrade the version? Thank you.
I am also getting a similar problem where setting a pin will get stuck and the board becomes unresponsive. How do I check the firmware version and put V8 onto my GPIO board? Thanks.